Guest Posts

Typical clients gain life-altering improved sleep results in 4 sessions or less!

“Susan is an amazing coach! I truly enjoyed working with her. From our very first session I experienced improvement in my sleep quality. She knows her stuff.” ~ MB

Enjoy articles which Susan the Sleep Coach has written for community organizations, as well as, article/info shared with you here provided by those in the sleep better community. Please note, all info/articles are shared for your greater awareness and enjoyment! They are not intended as endorsements of products, opinions or as giving medical advice.

Susan’s Guest Posts

  • Does Alcohol Help With Sleep?

According to the 20% or so of Americans who use alcohol to help with sleep, it certainly seems that alcohol can assist one to nod out. But, is drinking alcohol really the answer to gaining great ZZZ’s? And, does alcohol-induced slumber offer the same benefits to your brain and body as natural sleep? It’s time to take a deeper dive to explore the real impacts of alcohol on sleep, and if in fact it helps or hurts.


You may have heard about the various sleep stages and that REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep is one of them? Enhancing our mind-functioning abilities, REM is actually a very important stage within the sleep cycle. In this article, let’s broaden the discussion on REM sleep including what it is, why it’s important, how much we need, as well as at which points it surfaces during the night.

  • Why Do People Talk in Their Sleep?

Are you concerned that you talk in your sleep? Perhaps someone told you that you mumbled some incomprehensible gibberish during the night? Or, that you burst out laughing; engaged in a several minute-long monologue or even screamed out loud! Yikes! Maybe you have a child who frequently talks while sleeping?

  • Should 8 Hours Still be the Golden Rule for Sleep?

Many of us have heard over the years that it’s in our best interest to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Ever wonder how accurate this is and if it really pertains to you? Also, is it simply the number of hours we sleep that matters or are there other aspects to consider? Let’s explore diverse factors related to this topic to discover if in fact 8 hours of sleep being golden really holds true.

Sleep Community Guest Posts

  • Sleep and the Immune System by Sleepopolis

Improved sleep occurs, amongst other things, by maintaining a healthy immune system. In this article, Sleepopolis talks about how the immune system works, types of immunity, the importance of your immune system and ways to strengthen your immunity.

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